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Ronald Weasley ([info]spidersbegone) wrote in [info]riddikulus,
It never occurred to Ron that Hermione might have read up on how to kiss. Okay, so maybe it sounded like something she would do but he just assumed she was a natural at it just like she was at everything else. He hoped she thought he was good at it too. He knew the opinion of some other girls but those opinions and those girls didn't really matter. All he cared about was what Hermione thought.

Lifting on hand up from her waist, the other resting on her hip, he cupped her cheek lightly, running his fingers over her skin. Merlin, this was brilliant. Absolutely brilliant. He'd never tire of snogging Hermione ever. He'd do it all day if she'd let him. He didn't have to lean down as far because she was on her toes but it was also because he was leaning against the tree. Sometimes it was hard being taller than everyone. Snogging could sometimes be painful on his neck.

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