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Thomas G. Bradley ([info]knightish) wrote in [info]riddikulus,
"Never." Thomas repeated firmly, almost as if it was something that was certain can never go wrong, his voice reduced to a low, husky tone. "And I am certainly a man of my word." He lifted his glass slightly and whispered a faint 'cheers' before downing his drink. He sat back then, rested his head against the cool wood of the headboard before he closed his eyes, feeling the alcohol slowly taking effect on his system. His head was light, his lips turning numb, but everything was just so... carefree. The feeling was amazing.

A minute after, he opened his eyes and locked his narrowed gaze with the other, trying to measure up the other's words. "Of course not." Tom gestured grandly towards his companion, giving him the go signal. "Go ahead. If you wanted to do such a thing, who am I to protest, really? As you said, it's your quarters, too." his legs changed into a comfortable indian-sitting position, the hand holding his empty glass lying on one of his thighs. "Besides, it's not as if I object to it in any way..."

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