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Ginny ([info]theweasleygirl) wrote in [info]riddikulus,
@ 2008-01-30 21:33:00

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Who: Ginny and Hermione
What: A little girl bonding time.
When: After dinner
Where: Gryffindor 7th Year Girls' Dormitory
Rating: PG at most
Status: In progress

Ginny plopped down on Hermione's bed, crossing her legs and resting her forearms on her knees. "I am not kidding this time," Ginny announced once Hermione had shut the door. "I am going to hex Romilda into the Netherlands, and there's nothing you can say that will stop me."

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2008-01-31 05:50 pm UTC (link)
Hermione had barely gotten the door closed when Ginny started on about Romilda and turned to look at her, looking slightly amused. Pronouncements like these weren't odd occasions between the two girls, but it never ceased to aggravate her or bore her. Crossing the room, Hermione took her spot back on the bed where books and various assortments of notes were neatly strewn about and crossed her own legs.

"What has she done now?" she asked, having not heard or read anything of it. She realised she hadn't checked the journals in a day or two and made a mental note to do so before going to bed.

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2008-02-01 02:38 pm UTC (link)
"Oh, other than her usual attempts to steal Harry? Basically baiting him to invite her to the Ball, too? Nothing much," Ginny said lightly. She then gripped her hands around her wand, picturing Romilda and giving it a good strangling. "What really glazes my scone is, Harry. He says he 'can't' tell her to go sod herself," she added in a seething tone.

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