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Justin Finch-Fletchley ([info]condign) wrote in [info]riddikulus,
Justin hadn't bothered to justify his explanation of why he was playing common room police officer. Truth was the games of keep away played with friends were entirely different to a fourth year picking on someone two years younger. It was translated in his brain as bullying, especially, if it were obvious that only one party of the game of keep-away was enjoying himself. Instead he'd just offered Susan a pointed look before he'd asked his question on books.

The explanation was definitely one he didn't need. But he pretended he was interested all the same. Justin nodded sagely and offered a vocal, "Good stuff." As Susan's head moved to rest on his shoulder he hadn't bothered to 'freak out.' But he did feel a bit awkward about it. Despite his calm demeanor it seemed that with the new level of their relationship he was still having issues with letting Susan over the just friends boundaries. It made him uncomfortable for the most part. And it bothered him that he didn't take to the change naturally.

"How's the leg?" he asked for the sake of small talk. Justin still couldn't overcome the issue of Susan needing to have crutches. It was such a bizarre and muggle like concept that he was certain would be seen as archaic with the consideration of magical healing. Despite his being a muggle-born, after six years of growing accustomed to quick healing remedies it still baffled him that Madam Pomfrey resorted to such an old concept of healing. Course, he wasn't anywhere near interested in medicine so his opinion was hardly valid. It didn't help that he absently wondered if Susan were just using the crutches as a way to get attention.... Not that he'd ever share this inquiry out loud, of course.

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