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Susan Bones ([info]gotabonetopick) wrote in [info]riddikulus,
Susan was sitting with baited breath as she waited for him to say something, anything. It was killing her, the silence that seemed like an hour, when it was only a few moments. Susan wanted to hear him say something anything, even if it was to ask her some silly question other than the one she wanted him to ask. She was sitting looking down at him and she felt nervous as her fingers played with the hem of her skirt of her uniform she had yet to change from. She looked down at him and smiled softly. Almost tempted to edge him on, but thought that was push or impolite.

Finally he spoke, bringing up the Halloween ball. Her stomach jumped into her throat, but came crashing back down as he brought up the vomit thing. “I promise not to vomit on you again; if I have to I will go for the side.” Susan said with a chuckle, but realized she had not actually answered his question. “Take this as a yes by the way.” Susan gave him a grin as she looked down at him, trying to keep herself calm. This was a lot harder than you would think because she wanted to get up and run around and tell everyone.

“I am glad you asked,” Susan said sweetly as she focused more on him. She didn’t know what else to say. She was just so happy she could hug him or something. Was this a sign that he liked her more than a friend and that moving slowly was moving forward at some sort of speed?

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