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Justin Finch-Fletchley ([info]condign) wrote in [info]riddikulus,
He fell into a natural slouch so that he appeared to be slightly shorter than Susan and he was forced to look up at her to offer her a glance There was a slight moment of second thought when he realized he'd ... not exactly come up with a sure course of action as to approach the subject. Which was a bit strange considering Justin had never really had much trouble asking girl's out. Strangely enough, he'd never actually danced very long with nerves on the subject either.

If he liked someone he usually didn't have to tip-toe around the subject. He was a pretty honest chap and well...the fact that it was Susan seemed to make things strange. He was still a bit...in debate of how he really felt about their situation and he wondered if it'd really be appropriate to ask her if he wasn't 100% sure he felt the same way she did.

As his attention lingered around the room and his brain considered changing the subject entirely he remembered the conversation he'd had with the other blokes some hours before. It was just a date and an over due one at that - Justin figured taking her to the ball would be the best way to decide if this taking it slow business would really benefit them or not.

"Soo..." he lingered a moment, "You know about that Halloween Ball, yeah? I was thinking -" he quickly cut himself off and gave her a smirk. "If you promised not to vomit on me again....we should go together. I mean...if you wanted."

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