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♥; melanieeee ([info]melanie) wrote in [info]riddikulus,
Melanie wanted to protest against Justin's argument because, yes, she did truly believe that Charlie had changed for the better. Maybe it was her immense lack of judgement or simple wishful thinking, but the small part of her that had held onto the idea that Charlie had never really hated her told her - quite loudly - that she was making the right decision. But then she reminded herself that from Justin's point of view, the whole situation probably seemed twice as bizarre as it did from hers. And that was saying a lot, already. Still, she had no idea how to explain herself and make him understand that she wasn't crazy for making such choices.

Justin wasn't yelling, nor was he telling her to leave, so Melanie thought it safe to take a seat again. She did so warily, as though any sudden movement would make Justin go off, and if the situation hadn't been so nerve wrecking, she would have found it oddly hilarious. Justin looked calm enough and willing to hear her out and that managed to calm her a bit as she tried to explain herself. "I know, I understand that, but I just..." she stopped again, groaning in frustration. It was just as well that Melanie could talk non-stop about anything in particular, but when it came to serious matters, her ability to form full and somewhat coherent sentences just disappeared, leaving her a blabbing mess.

"He said he fancied me," she tried once more, quietly, her eyes fixed on the floor again. "And he told me that he's fancied me for a long time. And I don't know, okay? I don't know if that's true, but he sounded sincere and, like. I understand what you're telling me, because I've been thinking a lot about that and-and I'm kind of scared. I don't think he's lying, but." He could be, she wanted to add, but couldn't bring herself to actually say the words. She had given that particular thing so much thought, specially the night after she had talked to Charlie. It was true that he had sounded honest, but what if it was a joke? Based on their past history, that didn't seem too far-fetched. Melanie took a deep breath and willed the tears not to fall - if she started crying, calming her down would be impossible.

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