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Orla Quirke ([info]elegantchaos) wrote in [info]riddikulus,
Having been in her quiet seclusion for awhile, she hadn't anticipated or really expected anyone to come her way. Why would they when she apparently wasn't very approachable. Not that she minded. Being so allowed her to not have to think of anything to say or do in case a conversation became awkward and marred by silence.

So caught up in what she was doing and watching the Giant Squid, she didn't hear anyone approach and gave a bit of a start when they began to apologise. She turned her head, shielding her eyes from the sun as she looked up at him. It was Harry Potter. "Oh - uhm, no, you're not interrupting," she said, babbling a bit as her cheeks turned red. "I was just writing my dad a letter and seeing if I could get the Giant Squid's attention."

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