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Hogwarts Staff ([info]staff) wrote in [info]riddikulus,
@ 2008-01-20 20:54:00

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Good morning students!

I’m very pleased to inform you all, with great thanks to our accepting Headmistress, that there will be a Halloween ball to be held in the great hall the night of the 31st! The ball will begin at nine o’ clock, after the Halloween feast, and end shortly after midnight. We will be having a masquerade— as was popular in sixteenth and seventeenth century muggle Europe. Those allowed to attend will be limited to sixth and seventh years, though if someone does invite a younger student as a date that is also acceptable. Students will be provided with bewitched masks from their heads of house the week prior, and you are to wear them to the ball, in addition to dress robes or a costume of your choice. The masks will be made so at twelve o’ clock they will vanish, revealing your true identity to your fellow students! I am also very excited to announce that the Weird Sisters seem have become fond of Hogwarts, and have agreed to be our musical guest for the evening. I, along with Professor McGonagall, felt that the need to do something to celebrate the magnificence of our students, as well as to put these troubling times behind us! I should remind you that our regular school rules, with exceptions for curfew, will still apply that night. So please do try to behave yourself but make sure that you do have fun at the same time. If you have any questions, about the Ball, please feel free to owl me. I do hope that I didn’t leave anything out!

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