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Below is information about the "" take my re vo lu ti on . . . "" community on LiveJournal. To join this community, click here. You may leave the community at any time.

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User:revolutionals (25206)
i fight for us.
(no userpics)
Name:" take my re vo lu ti on . . . "
i fight for us
everything i do is only to get t a n g l e d u p i n y o u !

private community [ FORGET IT ]
you wanna know m o r e m o r e m o r e a b o u t m e . . . ♥

you aren't welcome. [ LEAVE ]

anthy | nanami | Profile Codes
Maintainers:2: jackspicer, soulmix
Members:2: jackspicer, soulmix
Watched by:2: jackspicer, soulmix
Account type:Early Free User

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