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ITS A BIRD, ITS A PLANE (its kyaki again gdit) [Sep. 29th, 2009|01:37 am]
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[User Picture]From: [info]strongsilentype
2009-09-29 06:02 pm (UTC)


You have Tao to thank for that one. ♥ It'll never be used in the game, but it was too pretty not to have. D:

Ew. That is negative amounts of fun. Unless it's, like, build a roller coaster. Which is AWESOME homework.
[User Picture]From: [info]youth_ftw
2009-09-29 06:10 pm (UTC)


I love having ones that you cant use in game but can use ooc. They're always fab.

WELL its design homework. so i am drawing outfits BASED OFF STUFF THE GREEKS AND PEOPLE OF THE BYZANTIUM EMPIRE WORE BACK IN THE DAY which is cool kind of
[User Picture]From: [info]strongsilentype
2009-09-29 06:13 pm (UTC)


Very much.

...that sounds like fun. Bah. Howcome govvie majors don't get to do fun shit for homework?
[User Picture]From: [info]youth_ftw
2009-09-29 06:17 pm (UTC)


Who knows.

My friend is a law student, though, and she actually pities me for my workload. Because atop this I have to write a paper to go with each of these sketches, make a concept board, sew the remainder of a garment, finish draping and sewing a bodice, finish the illustration from hell (in which I am doing 3 eggbeaters in detail), do about 100 pages of a reading... I don't think its overbearing in the least, though. XD