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[Sep. 12th, 2009|01:40 am]
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[User Picture]From: [info]oriental_dragon
2009-09-12 07:32 pm (UTC)


This is totally gonna screw with her friendship/relationship/whatever-the-hell-it-is with Naruto. But Ash is pushing for it too, so it's not entirely my fault. But would Madara approve of this between his subordinates?
[User Picture]From: [info]_feedme
2009-09-12 07:33 pm (UTC)


Aw. Someone gets to add "home wrecker" to his list of exploits?

As long as it's meaningless sex and not gooeygunkyicky luuuurve, I'd imagine.
[User Picture]From: [info]oriental_dragon
2009-09-12 07:41 pm (UTC)


Well it's not necessarily home-wrecking if they're not exactly an item. They're just kinda in this awkwardly limbo place [ See long drawn out explanation, HERE ]. And neither me nor Ash knows if it will ever happen between those two. But this is good for conflict and dorama

Hm... you have a point there.
[User Picture]From: [info]_feedme
2009-09-12 07:46 pm (UTC)


This is why I have avoided that terrifying bandwagon. Having to put thought into things? Pff.

Eh. They're big boys and girls. They'll figure themselves out. Without Shino having to appear to help with the smackabitch which will ultimately result from undue dramaz. :|

So sex it is? :D
[User Picture]From: [info]oriental_dragon
2009-09-12 07:54 pm (UTC)


I've played Tenten long enough and in so many games that it's... really no big deal for me? Lol. ^^; But it doesn't mean you still can't ask questions~

I'm sure they will figure it out. ...But Tenny wouldn't mind if Shino showed up anyways. ;~;

...Hell yes. ♥
[User Picture]From: [info]_feedme
2009-09-12 07:56 pm (UTC)


It's mostly that some of how I play Zetsu is plugging my fingers in my ears and saying "THERE IS NO EXPLANATION." Because Zetsu is less than mentally sound. And I feel a little bad asking without telling. ._.;

Zetsu will help by confusing them! :D ...emotional blackmail is not fair. D:

Perfect. ^.~
[User Picture]From: [info]oriental_dragon
2009-09-12 08:05 pm (UTC)


This is true. I would imagine it would be hard to answer questions about a guy who... isn't exactly anywhere near normal. But that's part of what this essay thing is for: so you can further explore and understand your character, particularly for this game's canon. Still, it's ultimately up to you whether you do or don't. We'll love you all the same. Plus, the mystery only adds to Zetsu's charm~

I wouldn't have it any other way. ♥ ...I'm sorry, I'll stop. .___.

A match made in hell~
[User Picture]From: [info]_feedme
2009-09-12 08:08 pm (UTC)


Explaining Zetsu ends up being backed into a lot of corners wherein a person simply has to be satisfied with the fact that he's a little deranged. It would probably be good, but... flutter flutter. We'll see. Maybe not wanting to explore Zetsu will encourage me to work on Shino again so the torture can stop and Team 8 can flail at each other.

Om nom nom~

It's hot hot hot?
[User Picture]From: [info]oriental_dragon
2009-09-12 08:18 pm (UTC)


The fact that he's disturbingly calm and crazy is just part of what makes him an awesome character. It needs no explanation. But yes. An end to your torture would be nice. D8


Burning hot?
[User Picture]From: [info]_feedme
2009-09-12 08:21 pm (UTC)


Minor characters attempting to be major characters with explicable back-story: good for what ails you.

*bites back*

Burning love~
[User Picture]From: [info]oriental_dragon
2009-09-12 08:24 pm (UTC)


Minor characters unite?

*perpetuates the endless cycle* ^w^

Like the sun. ♥
[User Picture]From: [info]_feedme
2009-09-12 08:27 pm (UTC)


Prepare for trouble?
Make it dou-- *SHOT*

So much love there is!

The... sexy sun. o 0
[User Picture]From: [info]oriental_dragon
2009-09-12 08:32 pm (UTC)


... LMAO, I love you for that. xD!

I have nothing but love~

It's Tenten and Zetsu. Could their comparative sun be any other way?
[User Picture]From: [info]_feedme
2009-09-12 08:33 pm (UTC)


;w; ♥

And I the same for you. :D

...sexy, sexy sun. x3
[User Picture]From: [info]oriental_dragon
2009-09-12 08:46 pm (UTC)


^w^! ♥

...This cycle will never end. And I kinda don't want it to.

In our... sexy sexy universe?
[User Picture]From: [info]_feedme
2009-09-12 08:47 pm (UTC)


The sexy universe might implode if we stopped gnawing on each other. Then where would all the sexy heat go? D:
[User Picture]From: [info]oriental_dragon
2009-09-12 08:51 pm (UTC)


[User Picture]From: [info]_feedme
2009-09-12 08:52 pm (UTC)


...as soon as I stop being distracted by the hotness of that icon, I will be sure to do that.
[User Picture]From: [info]oriental_dragon
2009-09-12 08:57 pm (UTC)


...I needed a kiss icon. I got it. I find I can be very resourceful when I want something.
[User Picture]From: [info]filmic_silence
2009-09-12 08:58 pm (UTC)


Still unfair.
[User Picture]From: [info]oriental_dragon
2009-09-12 09:01 pm (UTC)


...Nnnnnngh, Shino... ♥
[User Picture]From: [info]_feedme
2009-09-12 09:02 pm (UTC)


...I set myself up for that unfair little exchange, but still. Damnit, woman.
[User Picture]From: [info]oriental_dragon
2009-09-12 09:03 pm (UTC)


I am a formidable opponent. You should know this by now.
[User Picture]From: [info]_feedme
2009-09-12 09:04 pm (UTC)


You also made two make-out icons which compliment each other beautifully. Damn you.
[User Picture]From: [info]oriental_dragon
2009-09-12 09:06 pm (UTC)


...I also made them several months apart so it's not like I made them as a set.


Damn, I'm good.