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blah de blah essay blah [Sep. 10th, 2009|01:53 am]
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[User Picture]From: [info]goodwithscalpel
2009-09-10 02:12 pm (UTC)


1. :| HE'S SUCH AN ASSHOLE IT MAKES IT SO HARD FOR HER TO BE POLITE TO HIM, OR RESPECT HIS AUTHORITY when all she wants to do is drown him in a toilet. :| But he's a good teacher and SOMEDAY she might even be grateful for how he taught her a valuable lesson in Why Women In Japan Need To Work Harder To Be Doctors, or something like that. Sometimes he's tolerable, and that's when she's not PMSing.

2. She has grown to accept it. She's so used to people giving it odd stares, and has had to shout 'IT'S REAL OKAY' to so many people that she's tired of it, yeah; but whatever. It's her hair, it's part of who she is, and that's that. :|

3. :V Totally not like in the manga, okay? Just saying this. Because:
They were like, really young when they met and became, probably pre-school, friends. With the innocence kids have about mudpies and tree-climbing and all that, I think. And then it stopped.
Sasuke's family thing, Naruto being in ze spotlight, and her parents dragging her away? Yeah, it's probably safe to assume it's something very fragile and the whole team 7 thing here is not as GASP HUGE! as in the manga. Since this is...more akin to reality and all; lol if your childhood friend's a douchebag you punt him to the side instead of risking your life for him over and over again. Real people can take no for an answer?
You want more or what?
[User Picture]From: [info]haecceity
2009-09-10 02:52 pm (UTC)


3. n. 8)
[User Picture]From: [info]goodwithscalpel
2009-09-10 02:55 pm (UTC)


oh good