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blah de blah essay blah [Sep. 10th, 2009|01:53 am]
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[User Picture]From: [info]oriental_dragon
2009-09-10 01:10 am (UTC)


1. Sakura's favorite childhood memory. The more details, the better it will be.

2. From what I've gathered, Sakura's a studious person. So in retrospect, what matter of conflict or etc would be big enough of a concern to distract her from her studies?

3. One possible secret Sakura may or may not be hiding.

4. What are her passions? Her guilty pleasures?

5. And because I am curious, how does Sakura view Tenten, on any and all matters that you can think of or would care to discuss, ie. concerning her friendship with Naruto, as a fellow History student, as a girl in general, as a(n) friend/acquaintance, etc.
[User Picture]From: [info]goodwithscalpel
2009-09-10 11:12 am (UTC)


1. It probably has something to do with trees and climbing them. Sakura's calmed down since then, but as a kid, she was pretty wild, for a girl. So I'm thinking, sunny afternoon in pre-school, where everyone teased her for her hair colour, and she won their respect by climbing the tallest tree. Oh yeah, you tiny bastards, take that! Shannaro! (She probably still looks at trees while strolling in the park and thinks Oh yeah, I could totally take that on.)

2. Ino was big enough to distract her from her studies, at least when they shared a dorm in freshman year. And on that line, plotting Ino's death was also enough to distract her. But more seriously now, anything going on in the family, or with her friends. The thing with Sakura is that even though she'll be distracted by something really tragic, or some huge conflict, it will not show. In fact, it will seem that she is working even more, because that's her way of a) coping, b) trying to concentrate.

3. ...See, I don't know this yet. I really don't. Okay, so maybe she secretly dreams of not being a coward in regards to her family and such, buuuut...it's too early to say anything. She's your father.

4. Passions: medicine, studying shut up Ino, curiosity is totally a passion to her, jujitsu, etc. She's a very passionate person, in a lot of aspects - she just needs the time, place, and reason to show it. Guilty pleasures are totally video games, because her parents do not support the idea of their daughter playing those things; so her tiniest rebellion ever started with a game of FFVII, and carried on. And yeah, she can probably give people a run for their money in some games, and totally suck at others. But she self-proclaims herself the master of any medical game...except, you know, not loudly. And oh, chocolate, but that's a given.

5. AH, AND THIS BRINGS US TO THE OLD DAYS OF LAST STRETCH, since I still kept a few things from there, which are basically...their blooming buddiship. Concerning Naruto, she's not that openly jealous anymore, although okay, she is a bit jealous. More than jealousy though it's anger, because seeing the two interract is like a slap in her face to remind her that Tenten's Naruto's friend from the days when Sakura was not there. So, yeah, thank you, mom and dad! But at the same time, she's okay with the fact that Naruto has more friends, because it's cool to have more friends (that don't come to her telling her to shut him up, especially). There's not as much hostility involved. She knows and can tell that Tenten is a nice girl, someone you can depend on to yank you out of shit if you need her, and also someone funny. And that buddyness is growing okay. Okay.
And HAH you shouldn't have copy-pasted the old questions entirely, because this Sakura's not a History student anymore, neenar neenar neenar.
[User Picture]From: [info]oriental_dragon
2009-09-10 02:07 pm (UTC)


But... history was how they bonded. ;~;

1. The wildest thing Sakura has ever done. Does she regret it? Why or why not?

2. How does Sakura view herself? On all aspects. Give the good, the bad, the ugly, the underneath the underneath, whatever.

3. And in contrast, how does Sakura view her family? On all aspects. Same deal. Give the good, the bad, the ugly, the underneath the underneath, whatever.
[User Picture]From: [info]goodwithscalpel
2009-09-10 11:53 pm (UTC)


But she quit...because pre-med's hard to do. ;_;

1. Knee a guy in the balls on the subway for groping her. No, she does not regret it, because it was the trigger to her epiphany: if she wanted to be taken seriously by anyone, and not just thought of as a yankee, she would not manage to do it with soft words and smiles. At least, not without a good kick before. :)

...I'll get back to you on the other two, they're complex. YOU ASK REALLY HARD QUESTIONS TENNY.
[User Picture]From: [info]oriental_dragon
2009-09-10 11:57 pm (UTC)


[User Picture]From: [info]goodwithscalpel
2009-09-10 11:58 pm (UTC)


[User Picture]From: [info]oriental_dragon
2009-09-11 12:00 am (UTC)


...Next time I'll ask about her favorite color?
[User Picture]From: [info]oriental_dragon
2009-09-10 11:57 pm (UTC)


...N-now go ask questions about Tenny?
[User Picture]From: [info]goodwithscalpel
2009-09-10 11:58 pm (UTC)


my questions would suck :|
[User Picture]From: [info]oriental_dragon
2009-09-10 11:59 pm (UTC)


I don't know. Suigetsu asked how old Tenten was when had her first fight... and it resulted in her having anger issues when she was younger. Who knew?
[User Picture]From: [info]oriental_dragon
2009-09-11 07:00 pm (UTC)



On a scale of one to ten, RANK ALL THE GUYS SHE KNOWS IN COMM CANON for date-ability, one being a hell no, ten being a fuck yes.