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[last stretch ooc]

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[Sep. 11th, 2009|01:13 am]

1. I don't know where to start. It's like that song. I HATE EVERYTHING ABOUT YOU, WHY DO I LOVE YOU. Details?
HATE: her partying ways when they were roommates, especially the nights when she came back drunk or something, or the days when she interrupted Sakura's study time. And how she's so quick to pick on her and get all defensive, argh. And her leaving hair everywhere. Long blonde strands of luscious hair, fine, but NOT ON HER COUCH PLEASE. And Ino's obsession with her weight. And her vanity. :|
LOVES: that she can still hug her even after they've called each other 100 names, because Ino's like the best person she can vent off her anger at. That she would come to the rescue with a change of clothes if Sakura were ever naked and only had her cellphone somewhere. That they can bitch one moment and share ice-cream and diss boys the next.
LESBIAN UNDERTONES: are so fucking go. So go.

2. It is awesome and she has a secret stash of mangas on it that her parents will never ever ever see. :)

3. Not getting the boobs implants Not standing up to her parents when she should've.

4. ...probably. Because she's special.
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