[Sep. 3rd, 2009|04:31 pm] |
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*gives the big sad Hina eyes and fidgets*
. . . . . . . /SITS ON D:
/got the tears to stop? SUCCESS.
*blinks up at him, blushing quiet a bit* Um... why are you sitting on me? *wonders if this is some kind of a local greeting.*
. . . Not really sure. Y'mind?
*looks confused* ... a little? you're... kind of heavy *blushes again*
... It's not fat. It's all manly muscles that are pushing you into the ground, dammit.
I didn't say anything about fat. *feels bad* you're just... heavy
... /grins
Would you rather sit on me?
*ish so naive* it would probably be more comfortable that way | |