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[Sep. 3rd, 2009|04:31 pm]
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[User Picture]From: [info]oriental_dragon
2009-09-04 03:22 pm (UTC)


So, I had an idea concerning Hinata's volunteer work at the hospital. Since Tenny seems to enjoy the martial arts and is constantly... sustaining injuries from it... the girls could meet during routine patch-up job? Possibly before Keebs and Hina go to the cafe so they can be all "Oh, you know here too? You mean THIS is the Hinata everyone's talking about? Small world! Etc, etc, etc" y/n/ms/fy/hn?

And of course, there's those rare occasions when Tenny sneaks into the music department to play with the piano while no one's looking? idk, OUR GIRLS NEED TO PLAY. ♥
[User Picture]From: [info]shyingviolet
2009-09-04 06:04 pm (UTC)


well ya fruit why didn't you say something when I was talking to you last night! *rolls her eyes* Silly Tenny.

But yes! Plot!! Plot is good!! *clings to*
[User Picture]From: [info]oriental_dragon
2009-09-04 07:46 pm (UTC)


...Because I was pre-occupied with other things. Like... drabbling. And such. I'm only one person. ;~;

[User Picture]From: [info]shyingviolet
2009-09-04 09:18 pm (UTC)


draaaabling. *Looks at Kaka, who has been a bit lonely lately*

*clings back and carries you off to the closet*
[User Picture]From: [info]oriental_dragon
2009-09-04 10:44 pm (UTC)


Lol, for some reason, when I read that, I immediately thought "Craaaaawling in my skiiiiin~"

...-carried off and... I don't know, gives you the Mei icon for closet time?-
[User Picture]From: [info]shyingviolet
2009-09-05 07:27 pm (UTC)


mmmmm... closet time with Mei... *shoves Kaka in to enjoy it*

I'm telling you there must be another chapter! The power of plot bunnies compels you!
[User Picture]From: [info]oriental_dragon
2009-09-06 03:11 am (UTC)


*takes advantage of closet time with Kashi*

...*CHOMPs on bunnies while she's at it*
[User Picture]From: [info]shyingviolet
2009-09-08 10:51 pm (UTC)


*sobs* oh noes! It's just like Fuzzy Pink Bunny Massacre this summer! Phlaid the Impeeper was so, soooo cruel. yet his works was so, soooo tastey
[User Picture]From: [info]oriental_dragon
2009-09-09 01:07 am (UTC)


[User Picture]From: [info]shyingviolet
2009-09-09 03:32 am (UTC)


At war this summer. During the second week of Pennsic the Fluffy Pink Bunnies camp was attacked by Phlaid the Impeeper. Many died. There were... sugary... pink corpses everywhere... little marshmellow bunny heads on pikes...

the horror...


I has pics if you want to see xD
[User Picture]From: [info]oriental_dragon
2009-09-09 03:32 pm (UTC)


...I did tell you to take pictures of all the gore so that you may share with us upon your return. 8D