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HOLLA [Aug. 26th, 2009|05:33 pm]
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[User Picture]From: [info]oriental_dragon
2009-08-27 12:03 am (UTC)


[User Picture]From: [info]aquatic
2009-08-27 12:07 am (UTC)


[User Picture]From: [info]oriental_dragon
2009-08-27 12:10 am (UTC)


So... he likes to bite, huh?
[User Picture]From: [info]aquatic
2009-08-27 12:14 am (UTC)


Gotta do something with those teeth.
[User Picture]From: [info]oriental_dragon
2009-08-27 12:23 am (UTC)


And of course he can't just show them off with a smile, right?
[User Picture]From: [info]aquatic
2009-08-27 12:34 am (UTC)


Live a little, Tenten.
[User Picture]From: [info]oriental_dragon
2009-08-27 12:37 am (UTC)


...Is there a range with how hard he bites?
[User Picture]From: [info]aquatic
2009-08-27 12:40 am (UTC)


Really fucking hard. Hard. Moderately hard.
[User Picture]From: [info]oriental_dragon
2009-08-27 12:42 am (UTC)


Well, he'll leave a lasting impression, that's for sure.
[User Picture]From: [info]aquatic
2009-08-27 12:47 am (UTC)


Part of that impression consists of charm points, amirite.
[User Picture]From: [info]oriental_dragon
2009-08-27 12:50 am (UTC)


Depends. Is he adversed to some gnawing in return?
[User Picture]From: [info]aquatic
2009-08-27 12:54 am (UTC)


You had him at gnawing.
[User Picture]From: [info]oriental_dragon
2009-08-27 12:59 am (UTC)


I had a feeling I would.
[User Picture]From: [info]aquatic
2009-08-27 01:05 am (UTC)


[User Picture]From: [info]oriental_dragon
2009-08-27 01:22 am (UTC)


You have no idea.

Lol, idk... Tenten just seems like the type that would bite back if he ever did. xD
[User Picture]From: [info]aquatic
2009-08-27 01:27 am (UTC)


Hey, no arguments here. 8D
[User Picture]From: [info]oriental_dragon
2009-08-27 01:31 am (UTC)


...I smell a potential log. Y/N/MS/FY/HN?
[User Picture]From: [info]aquatic
2009-08-27 01:42 am (UTC)


LMFAO OH GOD that would be hilarious.
[User Picture]From: [info]oriental_dragon
2009-08-27 01:49 am (UTC)


That, my friend, is the point. They'll leave a lasting impression on each other... both figuratively and literally. ^^; So, you up for it? We'd have to figure out a reason why they'd ending up fighting so that he'd bite her, but that shouldn't be too hard, right?
[User Picture]From: [info]aquatic
2009-08-27 02:09 am (UTC)


Not hard at all~ Oh, hell, sure, why not. XD I don't know about tonight, because my wrist is a bitch and my head is also a bitch and I've clearly been online too long today, BUT. I am down with this.
[User Picture]From: [info]oriental_dragon
2009-08-27 02:16 am (UTC)


That's fine. Gives us time to plot.

There's actually supposed to be a Martial Arts Expo coming up soon. If anything, we can backlog something during that time and wait til your wrist is feeling better? Be a good place for him to scope out new moves for his 'secret' cage fighting?

...Plus, Tenny plays with swords too and will be doing a demo... somewhere. Among other things cuz she's a MA maniac buff.

Feel free to decline the idea, we can come up with something better. ^^
[User Picture]From: [info]aquatic
2009-08-27 02:26 am (UTC)


I do so like the way you think.

...and I absolutely cannot decline, because this meeting is destined.
[User Picture]From: [info]oriental_dragon
2009-08-27 02:44 am (UTC)


I have my moments~ ♥

Alright, then. We'll set up the log later so you can rest your hand and your head.
[User Picture]From: [info]aquatic
2009-08-27 03:40 pm (UTC)


Awesoooooooooooooooooooooome. :3