let's play a game! |
[Oct. 24th, 2009|08:43 am] |
Comments: |
I would like to be your friend. :|
And no one seems to want to introduce Shino and Kiba. So. Want to make some... random bumping into each other madness and see if the bickering ensues sparks fly?
lol, there was some dorkery going on in Skype the other night where someone mentioned that Shino and Kiba should like...play WoW together and not realize it. /snerk
But omg, yes, friend do want! -___- I am up for anything?
...I want so badly to say no to that. So so badly. D:
Yay! Does Kiba do... any dorky sciencey things? Or... hang out in the library? Shino seems to meet teammates in the library.
Uh...not if naruto is around to catch him only if he has to for some school thinghepretendshescoolerthanthat
But you know...vet med major...so he does actually need to study.
![[User Picture]](https://www.scribbld.com/userpic/221776/31459) | From: shyingviolet 2009-10-24 11:24 pm (UTC)
*makes sad Hina eyes at her boys* | (Link)
... I thought Hina was going to introduce the boys? would help if Kiba would jump in the asdfl;kj thread so that Hina could meet him already. Or at least if Ash would post again so we could get to a spot Kiba could jump in.
m-me? *wibbles and turns to go*
N-no sadfaces. Hinata could still make them behave around each other. I just. Need me some. Kiba love. Very much. D:
I need Kiba love as well. *sulks* Kiba is with holding love from many
We'll have to huddle together for warmth?
...we could it's warmer without clothing
They will battle into friendship somehow. Does he need help finding books? Or a bio study-buddy?
I am good with study buddy (shhh! it's a seekrit that he's smart though :D)...gotta keep the grades up to keep the scholarship ^.^
Are you a scribbld or a gdocs person?
Either :) Gdocs I can sometimes access through work, scribbld not so much. But lately I haven't had time to work on rp at work anyway so it doesn't really matter. | |