『honors i've recieved』 [18 Jul 2008|06:07pm]

[ mood | loved ]
[ music | watching || in her shoes ]

you raise me up to more then i can be )

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『praising』[info]lovemedead [29 Feb 2008|02:19am]

[ mood | cold ]
[ music | no strings attached || carlos mencia ]

About a year and a half ago, I had a friend who I had given the nickname 'Momma' too and around a year ago, something happened...our friendship ended and that nickname, Momma, had lost all of its sincerity and its true meaning. That person who I had called Momma just...destroyed it for me.

That was, however, until I met Kristen. When we first met, we didn't talk too much. I already thought she was a wonderfully talented person, and as we got to talking more frequently, I learned that she was brilliant, like a sister and a mother...that nickname again. I was almost afraid that the name just held too many bad memories...but Kristen...she was different. She acted motherly, nuturing and caring, always concerned for your well-being. She was the 'Momma' I was looking for.

And she became Krissy-Momma.

She acts more like a mother then that person who had given the name its bitter taste. She's always offering a listening ear, a helping hand...nothing is too much for her. She'd made me countless layouts, graphics, she's written me beautiful letters that I look forward to...she does so much for me and I feel like what I do isn't as much as what she does for me. My Krissy-Momma is elegantly amazing, truthful and talented...she's someone I really look up to.

She feels I praise her too much, she thinks that I think way too much of her; not possible. I can't think enough of her. I'm truly blessed to know her and I will praise her until I'm blue in the face...and it's still not enough. I mean, the layout for this very community was made by her...colored by her...coded by her. She's done so much for me...and she expects me not to want to sound the trumpets of her greatness, of her Momma-ness. ♥ I hope to meet her one day, because I want to make her feel as special as she truly is.

Krissy-Momma, you are one of my truest and best friends and I really don't want you to doubt that or forget it. You're my Rika, my Aya...You think you're plain and have no special do. You do more than a lot of people in the world do. You love, you understand and you care...♥ Never change, Krissy-Momma, okay? Never. I love ya, sweetheart. ♥ And again, thank you so so much for making this community beautiful with your creation.

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『praising』[info]eclipseeuphoria [28 Feb 2008|03:26am]

[ mood | thankful ]

In a way, it's fitting that the first post in this praisebook of sorts is going to be for my best friend, one Miss [info]eclipseeuphoria or I so lovingly refer to as...Sai.

We've been friends now for longer then I remember. We always loose track of the years, it's funny, actually. We're sticking by 5-6, maybe even 6-7. In a fit of reminiscing, I wandered about my old LiveJournal and my old DeadJournal from about the very end of middle school, so a little before I met Sai...and I was very angry, on the verge of suicide due to family problems and the only people I had to talk to were urging me to do all the wrong things and not giving me the support and advice I needed. I was just beyond any comprehension of friendship, as all of my close/good friends kept leaving me. That was a little after my now ex-boyfriend dumped me via instant message to my mom's boyfriend. So, I just wasn't in a good spot in my life. And Sai just said one thing to be that seemed to make the most sense and made me smile.

I wish I had met you sooner...

To know that she would have been willing to help heal all of those deep wounds that were beyond repair...even after knowing the situations and the reasoning behind just truly made me feel like reguardless on when I had met her, she would have made a difference in my life. She has made a difference in my life...

She's more then my best friend...she's my forever and always Valentine, the sister I always wanted, the artist partner I longed to work with, my anime/manga/game fangirl...she, in most respects, is everything to me. She is the one I call my best friend and because of her support, her love, her wit and her pride...she remains such. Despite our many fights and all of the bumps our friendship has had, we make up the next day and laugh about it months later. There's a bond between us that I truly can't understand no matter how hard I think about it. I mean, we constantly bicker...shouldn't people like that cease to be friends?

Not us.

Having her living so far away is the most painful thing to me right now. We talk every day, whether it be IM, e-mail or telephone, but knowing that within the limits of a phonecall, I should have my best friend by my side is a paralyzing feeling. There's talk of moving in and such, but that is going to have to happen after careful planning and such...and again, that simple gesture means the world to me. I'm not too annoying to live with. ♥ However, distance has made me wise...I cherish her more then I ever have and the days when I do see her will be more and more precious.

There's volumes and volumes of what I can say about my best friend and I'm sure there will be more gushing in posts to come. Even now, at 3:22 in the morning when my eyes are ready to close and I need to be up in roughly 5 1/2 hours for work, I can sit here and truthfully go on and on about how much she means to me. That's dedication, man. ♥ She's my strength, my inspiration and motivation, my laughter, my joy and sometimes even my tears and my pain, but you know what? I wouldn't trade her in for anything in this entire world. I wouldn't give away even one single milisecond of the time we've shared. I'd cry, laugh, yell and make an idiot out of myself over and over again if it meant the same outcome; having you as my best friend...

Sai, you're aiming for the stars and you will land amongst them, I know. You're talented, full of heart...and I have faith in you. Never forget that you mean the world to me and not a day goes by when I don't miss you terribly and think about you. You're like my homgsomuchprettier twin...except cooler and a hell of a lot more talented. So, my Ryou, my Larxene, my Aqua, my Franziska and so many more...I love you, my friend...never forget. ♥
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