Hello and WELCOME!
Hi everyone! This community will pretty much be modless as I don't think there is a need for a mod. You do not have to make your posts
"friends Only" As a matter of fact, it is prefered if you didn't but that is optional.
Also, Try to resize pics to fit into the text area if you can.
- Big images should be behind a cut.
- If you are posting more than 3 pictures, post the rest behind a cut.
- Thumbnails do not need to be put behind a cut.
If anyone has any questions, feel free to ask me anything here. This Community is very simple.
- Just post your daily photos in your personal journal or photo journal.
- Post the days you like best or want to share with everyone here in the comm + Your journal.
- You shouldn't post
every single day you go through here @ the comm unless it's spread out by a few days each.
- A couple posts here a week with whatever day you are on is
IDEAL- If you are new and getting the hang of this place you may post here every day until you get the hang of it and gain enough friends.
PLEASE write what day you are on in the SUBJECT of your entry or else make it your CUT TEXT. For an example of a Photojournal one might have for this community, CLICK HEREBut keep in mind his journal was FO and he forgot to mark some posts FO so it looks as though he skipped numbers. You do NOT need to take pictures everyday if you really can't but the idea is to do just that. If you find it to be too challenging then if you leave off at Day 6 and take another pic 2 weeks later, mark that new picture post as Day 7.
For an example of how the old GJ Project 365 community was run, CLICK HERE TAKE PICTURES OF ANYTHING YOU WANT. Nude or Explicit photos should ALWAYS be behind a cut with a warning. The BEST way recommended on going about this project is to take a picture of big events, anything you love, first and last times, good memories, ANYTHING but also take a picture of yourself a couple times a month so at the end of the year you can see how much you have changed!
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