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Callidora Ismene Black ([info]callidora) wrote in [info]parsellemouthe,
@ 2008-02-05 20:56:00

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Who: Callidora and Harfang
Where: The foot of the staircase, Great Hall, Hogwarts
When: Monday evening, seven-thirty.
What: Rounds!
Why: Sara wants to have some sort of vague, business-like relationship established- since they HAVE been in school together for SEVEN YEARS- before the shit hits the fan with Cedrella and Dora finds herself affianced to a Longbottom.

At seven twenty-five on the dot, Callidora Black appeared at the foot of the staircase. Evening it might have been, but her blouse and skirt were perfectly pressed and no hair on her head was askew; neither did she sit on a step to await her partner, or even lean. Her posture was ramrod-perfect. The Head Girl would keep up appearances no matter what, thank you very much.

Not that she relished the idea of doing rounds with the Longbottom boy. She didn't mind his company, certainly, but he was far from a friend, barely even a peer, really, and that only because his family had managed to retain its purity minus any wealth or dignity. And she'd been planning to spend the evening quietly, finish up some assignments, that sort of thing. But a Head Girl had to do what a Head Girl had to do. She glanced at the clock- not impatient, of course, that wasn't becoming, but not terribly pleased to stand here waiting either.

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2008-02-11 03:17 am UTC (link)
"Did you give warning that I'd be out?" Callidora asked after several minutes. "I haven't seen it this quiet since everyone was down with that awful fever two years ago, do you remember? Only it hadn't gotten into the Dungeons yet, so we Slytherins were pulling all the rounds, and everyone was too ill to sneak about."

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2008-02-11 03:21 am UTC (link)
"Of course not," Harfang assured her, attempting, mostly successfully, to keep the nervous squeak from his voice. "I only told Pippa, and she had no reason to spread it about." A brief pause as he thought back to his fifth year, then, "Yes, I was in the hospital wing for three days, it was awful."

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