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Callidora Ismene Black ([info]callidora) wrote in [info]parsellemouthe,
Callidora bit back a smile by pressing her lips together tightly. "You may relax, you know, Mr. Longbottom," she said gently. "I hardly mind if you told the entire school; I'm only doing my duty, after all, as are you. It's not quite a secret that the Head Girl does rounds. And even if it were, I don't bite, you know." Unless you got cheeky with her, but she could hardly imagine that from this particular boy. He was a Hufflepuff, after all. Harmless. And for all that she expected the proper amount of respect due her name and her status from her peers, the girl didn't actually want anybody afraid of her or her reactions. Except possibly Cassiopeia, but that was for the greater good.

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