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playerpotter ([info]playerpotter) wrote in [info]occultus_ooc,
@ 2012-01-10 09:34:00

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Entry tags:player: tina

Penn Icons?
Hey guys? I'm having some serious trouble finding muppet-hair Penn icons (like this or this, because Harry has unruly hair, lol)... Anyone know any good artists/comms to check out? Thanks!

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2012-01-10 01:07 pm UTC (link)
Kind of like these ones?

And some of those ones?

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2012-01-10 01:14 pm UTC (link)

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2012-01-11 07:07 am UTC (link)
No worries! There is a whole list of Penn icons here - although some of them are friends locked and some don't exactly have the "Potter hair" you were looking for.

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