After her outing with Cho the week before, Penelope had done some serious clothes and make-up shopping prior to the big event at Hogwarts. One of the sales clerks had even convinced her to buy a gown that was rather low cut in the front, saying to Penelope that she had the perfect figure for it (which to Penelope meant that she was flat-chested enough).
The entire tournament was fun, albeit quite frustrating for a Ravenclaw, and Penelope was more than a little nervous showing up for the after-party.
She had given her cloak to cloak-check, and instantly wondered if the
dress she had decided to actually wear was the right thing. A wizard had openly looked at her chest with a raised eyebrow before passing her by.
"Oh hell," Penelope muttered, making her way into the Great Hall and hoping to find a kindred friend who could ease her nerves. Either a friend or a glass of alcohol would be very welcome.
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