Cho came through the main doors of the Great Hall to the ridiculous applause of her fellow House alums and students. The candle light throughout the air flickered off of
her Ravenclaw blue dress as she made her way into the crowd, stopping to get glass of elf wine at the nearest bar before catching glimpse of Harry Potter.
Smiling and waving in his direction, she caught his eye and he mouthed 'nice save' to her, making her roll her eyes and toasting him mid-air with her wine.
Wandering back toward the front of the room, where she had last scene the bulk of her House, she waved at friends and received many congratulations for the fastest save of the tournament. In all the beauty and rush of it, she wished her mum had come, but couldn't think on it too long, so she caught herself up in gossip and catching up with the other alums.
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