What: Quality Quidditch Supplies and Hogwarts Quidditch Tournament
Where: Hogwarts - Quidditch Pitch and the Great Hall
When: 27th and 28th December
Rating: G
Status: Complete - however, feel free to post reactions
Because roleplaying this out would be too difficult and confusing, I have posted a simple timeline of events below the cut. If you would like to thread out random bits from the day go for it - just put a link to the thread in here so we can keep the happenings during the event all together. Otherwise, you can just post an OOC note in this thread about what each character got up to over the two days (if they attended the event).
Rules1. Games last no longer than an hour and a half. Or till the first team catches the Snitch within that time frame. If the Snitch is not caught, the team with the most points wins.
2. Catching the Snitch DOES NOT automatically make your team the winner. It just means the game is over. The normal 150 points given when the Snitch is caught WILL NOT be added to the scores to determine the winner.
3. Considering this is just a friendly exhibition tournament - teams are allowed to substitute players as they see fit unlike in professional matches. Also, there are no finals, just good fun and a huge after party once all the teams have played.
4. All other regular rules of the sport apply (for example: penalties, fouls, point scoring, etc)
Quidditch Match TimetableWinners are in red. * = They caught the Snitch. (00) - Goals scored without Snitch points added.
27th December, 19978.30-9.00 - Introduction and Explaination of Rules
9.00-11.30 -
Gryffindor* (120) vs Hufflepuff (90)
11.30-13.00 -
Slytherin (150) vs Ravenclaw (100)
13.00-14.00 - Lunch Break
14.00-15.30 -
Slytherin (130) vs Hufflepuff* (70)
15.30-17.00 -
Gryffindor* (100) vs Ravenclaw (90)
28th December, 19979.00-11.30 - Hufflepuff (50) vs
Ravenclaw* (140)
11.30-13.00 -
Gryffindor* (130) vs Slytherin (120)
13.00-17.00 - After Party in the Great Hall
All times are approx.
Highlights of Matches1. Gryffindor had the lead for the whole match but Hufflepuff were making a quick comeback in the last 20 minutes until Harry Potter caught the Snitch. Game Time: 1 hour 15 mins.
2. The lead changed hands a few times with Ravenclaw scoring the first goal. However, the Slytherin Chasers scored a few intercepts and eventually won the match. The Snitch was not found by either Seeker. Game Time: 1 hour 30 mins.
3. Hufflepuff really struggled against the bigger and faster Slytherin Chasers but their Keeper managed to keep them in the game for the first half hour with 5 magnificent saves. Hufflepuff Seeker, Cedric Diggory found the Snitch in the last ten minutes. Game Time: 1 hour 22 mins.
4. Ravenclaw took an early lead in this match until Chaser, Jonathon Chambers, took a Bludger to the head (hit by one of the Weasley Twins - no one was sure which). Jonathon was out for the game and replaced by a Chaser from the school team - however, Ravenclaw then struggled. Harry Potter caught the Snitch but after a tough battle for it with Cho Chang. Game Time: 1 hour 18 mins.
5. Two Hufflepuff players (who played Professionally) could not make it back to the second day of the tournament and therefore Hufflepuff used two members of the school team. The managed to score the first goal but were no match for Ravenclaw, who had Jonathon Chambers back in their line-up. Seeker, Cho Chang caught the Snitch within the hour, making the quickest catch of the tournament. Game Time: 56 mins.
6. Everyone knows the rivalry between Slytherin and Gryffindor is huge and so this was the match everyone was waiting to see. The teams were matched goal for goal until Harry caught the Snitch in the final minute. Alicia Spinnet scored the winning goal. Game Time: 1 hour 29 mins.