'I do want it but I can't because I'm-' He felt his cheeks burn red momentarily. 'It'd fucking hurt with me like this and you all... fully grown.'
His fingers came to his mouth at Oliver's next words and he chewed on the skin surrounding his nails. This was not a conversation he wanted to be having at stupid o'clock in the morning. He didn't ever want to have this conversation if he was honest. 'I didn't mean that. I know you wouldn't force me.' Fred scowled, annoyed at his own words and doubly annoyed at how they'd been misinterpreted to have a different meaning.
'We are friends. But none of my other friends come over to sleep with me.' He was at a loss, completely bewildered as to what Oliver wanted from him. It didn't occur to him that Oliver just liked him being there to fall asleep with. Thoughts like those bordered on emotional and Fred never admitted to having those.
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