'I don't look that bad!' Fred scowled as Oliver proceeded to swear and flail about, falling off the bed in the process. He supposed it would be a bit of a shock, to see a fifteen year old kid laying where your twenty year old sexy-as-sin playmate should be. But still, no need for dramatics.
Rolling his eyes, at Oliver looked him up and down, Fred got hold of the covers and yanked them back over himself. Being physically younger meant that his clothing was too big and during his sleep, he'd fidgeted right out of his pajama trousers. 'Cold.' He didn't really feel like explaining what had happened. Mostly because he hated admitting when he'd done something wrong or made a mistake. He'd done both the previous afternoon, messing up a potion and getting himself stuck as a teen for twenty-four hours. At least he hoped it was only a day.
'New wheeze, haven't quite got it right yet.' He shrugged, watching Oliver crawl back onto the bed. Smirking as he was kissed, Fred tangled his fingers into the back of Oliver's hair, nipping on his lower lip. 'Mmm I was...' He caught Olly's earlobe between his teeth and bit down lightly. 'Not a Virgin this time though.'
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