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Adrian Pucey ([info]ampucey) wrote in [info]occultus,
@ 2011-12-22 15:23:00

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Private: I got a feeling, tonight's gonna be a good night
Who: Adrian, Spex (NPC)
What: Honestly, pretty average night for Adrian
Where: A muggle bar, Adrian's home, a muggle hotel
When: 22 December
Rating: Adult topics
Status: Complete

Adrian had been hoping to see Pansy before the holidays, when he'd be heading to Florence to spend the holiday with the Puceys. As that didn't seem the case, he'd sent a note over his lunch break to Spex to meet him in their usual Muggle London haunt (well, Spex's usual haunt) after work to pick up something to keep him entertained for the evening. It had been a long week of puff pieces and boring carolers and ridiculous little enchanted snowflakes all throughout his office and he needed to relieve some stress.

His voice was amused, any nerves he had over such a transaction having been fleeting and long ago, "I don’t know why you insist on meeting in such seedy establishments when you could very easily just come to my home," Adrian started with, a greeting that had become somewhat usual over the year that he had been acquaintances with Spex. Adrian didn’t know the American wizard’s first name, or if Spex was it, he didn’t know his last name. The small, twitchy character almost always had a bruise on his face or scratch marks on his neck, but he’d yet to bring any trouble Adrian’s way and was very good at procuring even the hardest of finds. Potions work revolved around people like Spex, and when Adrian had met him on a deal for black-market African witch teeth (on a personal project Adrian and his father had been researcher), Adrian had kept him around.

Tonight, Adrian was in search of a Muggle to keep himself company for a few hours and a wizarding potion that would keep the party going clear until morning. An ancient bottle of firewhiskey and four pills of unknown title or origin safely in his possession, Adrian headed home at a good pace.

Popping them with a shot from the bottle, he now sat in front of his fireplace waiting for the appointed hour that he’d go to meet his ‘date’ for the night back in Muggle London. Muggles were easier to use for the evening and throw out in the morning, he’d learned, and there was nothing worse than a witch catching you snorting Muggle drugs to kill the mood.

Dressing a dark blue muggle suit and Italian leather custom made loafers, he apparated to the Leaky Cauldron and hit the street just as his new pills took affect, his heart rate sky rocketed and his strides took on even more confidence than he normally had, his breath became deep and saturated. Eyes wide, he entered the Muggle hotel and found a busty Scandinavian blond waiting for him in his room, just as he’d requested of Spex.

In the morning he’d drink a lot of coffee and take something to take the edge off, he was particularly fond of a pill called Xanax for his work mornings - it was already waiting in his washroom at home, before heading to work to knock the socks off his boss and his boss’ boss, the Minister of Magic. He might even smile and join in on a carol or two. The next night, it would be much of the same, though soon he’d break up his routine by a weekend drinking binge with his parents and hopefully some Italian-American exchange students or something.

Smiling and introducing himself under any name that came to mind first, Adrian couldn’t help but be very happy with his life at the moment.

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