Cho couldn't help a bright smile as she jumped up from her small sofa. "You've come to the right place!" She summoned another wineglass and crossed the room to give penny a hug. "I may have understated my total addiction to clothing in our letters... I mean, I'm a ballgown and robes type girl, but I do, it seems, own nearly a shopping mall's worth of tops alone." She grinned and pointed Penny in the direction of the selections she'd made, hanging off of bookshelves throughout the room, as she poured wine for her old friend.
"So, tell me, how's it feel to be home?" She topped off her glass and couldn't help but let her worries - compounded the last few days thanks to
Johnny's Christmas gift to her Mum - roll off of her tense shoulders.
Clothes, wine, music, books, dragons... These were things she could talk about with Penny that wouldn't remind her of her parents, and she needed that.
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