Who: Kirley Duke & Oliver Wood
When: Night, 19 December (backdated)
Where: The Black Cat (cocktail bar)
Rating: M
Summary: Two bored Scots, alcohol and flirting.
He was late. Which wasn't an entirely new situation for him and Olly knew from experience that K usually ended up being the one who came second. Kirley chuckled a little at that thought and pushed open the door to the bar. The Black Cat was low key enough for people such as himself to hang out in and not be recognised too much. There weren't many places like that in the Wizarding community, which was probably why Kirley found himself frequently drawn back to the little nightclub. The venue had a small stage and often there was live music.
Crossing to the bar, he sought out the taller Scot and sildled up beside him. Gesturing to get the barmaid's attention he ordered for both of them. 'Two Scottish Slammers.' Grinning up at the younger wizard as the other recognized his accent, 'alright Woody?'
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