"Okay," he replied simply, a little amused hint of a smile quirked his lips upward for a moment. His short answer was usually one of the Chaser's favourite words to revert back to. "You can be on my list too." George added - he'd get Tig to change it for him the next time she was at work. It was handy having friends that worked at St. Mungo's, he could get his records changed without filing the required paperwork to set it right. George wasn't a big fan of paperwork.
Telling his family was going to be a lot more difficult then telling his friends. His family tended to be a lot more protective and there was a definite issue of trust against Slytherins. Already he could see in his mind just who would blow up and yell, who would try to be rational, who would support him. The thought of being hated by any number of his family made him feel ill. Friends could come and go - but family, they meant everything.
He licked his lips, the only outward sign he'd show to say that he was not sure. But there was a determined look in his eyes as he nodded. "Alright." George keep his eyes on Marcus. "I'll tell them in the New Year. Give you plenty of time to set up your defenses and work out a battle strategy against them." Because knowing the Weasley clan, they'd all go on the attack in their own ways to make sure one of their own didn't get hurt. Marcus didn't have a lot of family to do that for him, so George wanted him to be prepared for what was to come.
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