He smiled a little as George joined him on the bed, retrieving his burger, he took a bite and made a soft hum of appreciation at the taste. Much better than the hospital food, he was sure. Though probably not as healthy. Not that it mattered at the moment. He wasn't training just then and he could always run it off once he was released.
Licking a crumb from the corner of his lip, he glanced down at the gap between them and then up at Twink's face. 'I'm alright now. They fixed me.' He understood the sentiments behind the red head's words and smiled again a little. 'I'm glad too.' As the Gryffindor continued a familiar dent appeared between Marcus' brows. George wasn't family, but Marc knew he'd worried just as much as Min and Dotzy had, no doubt.
'Maybe I can get them to change that? If you wanted.' He lowered his gaze to look at the blankets, not really sure of his words. 'Put you on the next of kin list or whatever it is.' He lifted his eyes to meet George's then, 'do you want to tell people? Would your family be okay with you and a Slytherin?'
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