Oliver flew back and forth across the goals, his eyes on the game before him. The quaffle was currently down the other side of the pitch and despite him not being captain he was calling out moves to the chasers. The captain of the team seemed to have lost his voice, or at least didn't have the balls to order the team around, something that annoyed Oliver to no end. They got on well enough but Oliver would take his place in a heartbeat if he could.
Seeing the chaser's lose the quaffle to the falcons chasers Oliver swore, glad the noise of the crowd would drown it out. Oliver flew backwards a little, making him closer to the rings he was guarding, eyes on the quaffle as it was passed between chasers.
Not having seen the previous Falcons matches, Oliver was unsure of the move they were using. His eyes were briefly draw to the right as a bludger flew by. He saw one of his team mates flying after it and knew not to worry.
Turning once more Oliver watched Flint throw the quaffle to Montague just seconds before being hit by a bludger. Despite the crowd he heard the crack of something breaking. He knew George was in the crowd and would be worrying about the now injured man before him. Looking back at the chaser with the quaffle Oliver went on the deffensive until he heard gasps coming from the crowd.
Looking back over at where Flint had been, Oliver saw him falling and without thinking he leant low on his broom and shot towards the falling mass of grey. Lunging forward as they grew closer to the floor Oliver grabbed at Flint's foot, it being the closest thing to him, Jarring his shoulder at the same time, although he didn't have time to worry about that as the ground was fast approaching.
The motion he was travelling with was much to fast and the action of grabbing Flint's foot made his grip on the broom falter, that mixing with Flint's weight made Oliver slip from his broom, both players now heading for the ground. He tried to lessen Flint's impact, knowing he was already injured and couldn't help the scream as he contacted with the cold ground with one shoulder.
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