Who: TWINS (with a cameo from the pups)
When: Early morning
Where: Twinville
Rating: T - for Twins
Summary: Shenanigans... craziness, who knows?
Ten feet padded - well, technically, two feet and eight paws - softly on the floor leading to the room at the end of the hall. The owner of the feet turned to the two puppies following him and made a shushing motion with his finger to his lips before turning back to the door and opening it ever so slowly. Peering inside, a devilish grin spread on George's face as his eyes fell upon his still slumbering Twin.
"Okay," he spoke in a very soft voice as he crouched down and addresses the puppies. "He's still asleep so here's the plan. We sneak in... not yet, Guinness," He paused, putting a hand in front of one of the pups. "We sneak in. You two climb onto the edge of his bed... and then pounce."
The puppies wagged their tails, seeming to like the plan. George pushed open the door and the puppies obediently went along with the plan, sneaking in and climbing on the side of the bed (with a little assistance from George). He held up his hand and counted to three and then the pups pounced and initiated a Puppy Attack on their victim - licking, nudging and generally bothering the sleeping Twin awake.
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