'Mmm hungry Twin, you must be too.' He squirmed away from the finger poking him, chuckling despite himself. Really, being twenty years old, male and ticklish was silly. But Fred was, unfortunately. 'Choccy chip pancakes, bacon sandwiches and 'nana milkshake!' His stomach growled again and Forge patted it. 'Belly agrees.'
Beaming at the compliment, Fred trotted across to the mirror and gave himself the once over. 'I agree.' Twisting a little to see the back, he smirked slightly. 'Name's wrong though, I'm not Wood 1, I'm Weasley 1, or Twin 1.' He laughed at George's comment, the Keeper certainly lived and breathed Quidditch and was loyal to Puddlemere.
Catching sight of the grin, Forge mirrored it, knowing exactly what was going through Gred's mind. As his Twin raced out of the room, Fred chased, haring along the landing at full tilt. He caught up with his Twin at the stairs, but instead of running down them he slid down the banister instead, hopping off a second before colliding with the post at the end.
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