Fred nodded at the explanation about the Billywigs. He knew his Twin only wanted the best ingredients for their Wheezes and Forge liked to work with the highest quality supplies they could afford, which was usually quite a lot. 'Yeah, we'll get a few other bits and pieces from the Apothecary too. I need to make a new batch of burn salve. Used up the last pot yesterday.'
The burn ointment tended to get used frequently on the run up to Guy Fawkes' night and New Year. Forge liked to make sure he had new rockets for each occasion, selling them as limited run stock. So, while they had Wildfire Whiz Bangs and the like all year round, Champagne Showers and Midnight Mesmerizers only came round once a year.
He fell silent as they both finished off their breakfast, the mountain of pancakes disappearing rapidly from both their plates. Fred mirrored his Twin's action, patting his stomach lightly and nodding in agreement. 'Bacon for lunch,' he suggested. 'Work time now.' A grin spread across his face as he thought about the day ahead. He loved spending time in the back room.
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