At the mumble George just shrugged, letting his feeling of worry drop. He knew Fred would try, just to keep him happy, but he also knew what Fred was like. George would do what he normally did and that was to be the more careful one and make sure Fred didn't do anything too reckless.
As Fred rattled off the list, George was counting in his head the monetary funds needed for each item. Most of the time they were able to find items they needed or were able to get them for nothing - like the werewolf fur from Oz. But there were still some things that they needed to pay for and that's where George's ability with numbers came in.
"Billywig shipment is on order. Won't be in till tomorrow cause it has to travel from Australia." At that point he paused, taking a sip of his shake and gave a little knowing look. "Yes, I know I could get them from the farms in Scotland but the stingers always turn up frozen cause Scotland is too cold for the billywigs. Costs a little extra to get them shipped over here but it's worth it." George liked to source the best for his Twin to work with if they were financially able to get it - which in most cases they were. "As for the lacewings we can pick them up on the way in at the apothecary."
He nodded his agreement, eating more pancakes till his plate was empty. "Don't think I have room for a bacon sandwich." George sat back and patted his belly. He probably could eat a bit more but he was too keen to get started on their new projects.
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