As Fred listed the food his stomach let out a little rumble. He looked down at it, looking a little stern. "Sssh, you're going to get fed shortly." Yes, George talked to his belly as if it were another person. He was normal.
"I can fix it." George beamed moving over to stand next to his Twin in front of the mirror. He liked being able to fix things. "Charm would work but not permanent. Simple Transfiguration on the thread would make the letter changes stay there for life, unless you decided to use the counter spell." He was pretty good at coming up with spells on the spot. They both were, hence why the shop was so successful. But George always had more of a knack for Transfiguration.
Laughing while they raced, George stopped at the top of the stairs as Fred slid down the bannister. He apparated with a loud crack to meet his Twin at the bottom. It probably counted as cheating but he didn't mind in this instance. He ran again to the kitchen, skidding to a halt as he entered the room.
George immediately went about setting up to make pancakes, getting out the ingredients to make them from scratch. None of that Muggle store bought instant, just-add-water crap for the Weasley Twins.
"Can you make the milkshakes while I get a start on these?" He asked, putting the things he needed into the bowl and mixing them together. He probably had more than enough pancake mix for the pair of them but as their Mum always seem to say when it came to food - it was better to have too much rather than having to starve. Food was the one things the Weasleys never really seemed to skimp out on.
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