Who: Marcus and George
What: Marc's celebrating the win and his Captaincy and the fact he loves EVERYONE EVER!! Well maybe just George.
Where: Neverland
When: 19 November (backdated)
Rating: TBD
Status: Incomplete
He'd lost count of how many drinks he'd had a couple of hours ago. All he knew was he'd had a lot. The day had gone well and he had no doubt that the night would be good too. The Falcons had won their match. The first match that he had been Captain for. So now it was official. He was Captain of the Falmouth Falcons. A dark look crossed his features momentarily as he thought about how the latest development would be like a hex in the face for his father. So much for Quidditch not being a proper career. He probably had more money saved up now than his Father had ever had in his vault.
Pushing aside the thoughts as another drink was placed in his hands; Marc disentangled himself from his Seeker's enthusiastic hug and scanned the bar for his red head. Spotting the familiar tousled locks, he headed over, hugging the smaller man from behind and leaning on him a little to keep his balance. He wasn't quite fall down on your arse drunk, but was getting close. ''lo you.' Leaning down, he went to nip at Twink's neck, then suddenly stopped. 'Orangey? Should be cherry.'
The Twin in his grip turned, giving him an amused smirk and Marcus looked embarrassed momentarily. 'Oh... sorry not-George.' Fred just laughed at him and pointed out his Twin who was a little further along the bar. 'Ta,' moving away, he almost tripped over his own feet, but Fred -with a hand on his hip- managed to save him. Smiling in thanks he ambled over to George, slipping his arms around him as soon as he was close enough.
'Cherry Twink.' Marc grinned, knocking back the drink he'd been given before leaning down to nip at George's neck. 'You went away.' He managed a forlorn look before stealing a kiss. If anyone who really knew Flint was to see this display, they'd think it was someone in polyjuice disguise. But the alcohol plus genuine happiness lead to a very different Marcus.
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