Johnny chuckled when Sophie let out the little cheer for his team. He shrugged a bit when she said it worked for everyone - knowing that their were others out there that weren't so lucky to have his and Amanda's situation turn out as well as it had. It was working well for them at the moment, but who knew what could happen down the track.
As for the honesty part - Johnny saw no reason to lie. He was always very upfront about things.
Tig lowered the hand from her mouth, her blue eyes becoming apologetic. "I'm sorry. I know neither of you like being set up but the tea leaves this morning said you two should meet and a something could happen between you." She fidgeted in her seat, feeling a bit silly. She knew most people took Divination with a grain of salt - some even thought it a waste of time. But it was one of the only things at Hogwarts that she excelled at, so she liked to keep in touch with it on occasion.
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