'I'll have to sign up then, seeing as they're just down the road.' Fred called back, shivering momentarily at the November breeze. Winter was definitely coming.
The wolf whistle spurred him on, as did the way Oliver watched his every move and the tongue darting across the older man's lips made him very nearly lose his own composure. Olls' mouth was just plain sinful. No sooner had the thought crossed his mind, then that mouth was on his and he gladly kissed back, lips parting readily tongue sliding against Wood's, stud teasing.
If he'd stopped to think about it, he would have been a little surprised by Oliver's choice. As far as Fred could gather, the Scot wasn't much of a Switch, usually sticking to the Dom role in the bedroom. But Forge rarely stopped to think, about anything. The fact that he was now trying to press as much of himself as he could against the Keeper, despite the fact they were still a hundred foot up in the air was testament to that.
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