'It's true Greddie, and you're welcome.' He grinned at the bashfulness, knowing it wasn't entirely real. George loved compliments and in Fred's mind he deserved to receive many. His Twin was amazing in so many ways, completely brilliant too. Though if he voiced the thought too often he would be accused of being a sap.
The single word was enough for Fred to know that his George wasn't going to push the older wizard into anything. that was the thing about his Twin, he was always more conscientious of other people's feelings. Yes, they could both be as blunt as bludgers to the head, but with Fred it happened more frequently.
Out the corner of his eye, Fred saw Caffrey sneaking stealthily up the bed, but he didn't say anything, wondering if his Twin would notice the ninja puppy. At the complaint, Forge chuckled, handing Gred a replacement cake. 'You think the league would buy them for the cup matches then?' He asked quietly, mind drifting back to business despite watching television.
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