Fred was humming to himself as he rooted through a massive chest filled with video tapes, Nessie and Caff had their noses beside his as he dug through the boxes searching for the ones he wanted. Twin tails smacked against his legs as the puppies seemed to pick up on his mood. 'Yes! Found it!' He grinned at Caffrey, who had yapped excitedly when he'd spoken and patted the pup on the head. 'Indiana Jones is brilliant,' he informed the dogs, retrieving Guinness from where he'd clambered into the trunk. 'You'll love it, promise.'
Both he and George spoke to the puppies as if they were little furry people and if you asked either Twin, they’d tell you that the red setters understood every word. Closing the lid, Fred gathered up the videos and grabbed the fedoras he’d found in the depths of his wardrobe. You had to wear a hat whilst watching Indy in his. Forge’s Law. Hearing his Twin’s yell, he grinned, running along the hall to his Gred’s room, the puppies barking as they raced after him.
‘Cake!’ Fred’s eyes lit up at the sight of all the glorious junk food ready on the bed. After a wholesome home cooked roast yesterday, he’d been longing for extra sugar and colourings. ‘We’re watching Indiana Jones, all three of them, even though the woman in Temple of Doom is dead annoying.’ Pushing the door half shut, he made sure to leave a gap in case Boromir and Faramir, their Twin cats, decided to join them. Switching the telly on, he slotted the first video into the recorder and pressed play, scooping up the remotes before settling beside his Twin on the bed.
‘Hat.’ Forge pointed at the hats he’d brought with him and picked out his own, waiting for Gred to take one before setting the last on Caffrey’s head. He’d tried before with Guinness, who had promptly shaken it off.
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