'Mmm you love the ego. If I was a whiny, insecure little bitch I wouldn't be as much fun.' Of course, he didn't mention that he could be insecure at times. But those low moments were only ever witnessed by his Gred.
Another smirk came to his lips and his eyes glinted at the prospect of her challenge. It was one he'd definitely take up. Fred enjoyed sex, that was no secret and when you had friends that were willing partners it made it easier. Sure, he could pick up randoms, but sometimes -especially recently- that meant taking risks. Sophie, at least, didn't have a blood-play fetish. 'Next time you're at the club, I'll show you my favourite VIP suite.'
Checking for a cat attack as he stepped over the threshold, Fred again held the door for Sophie. Molly Weasley didn't raise her boys to be ill mannered after all. 'I honestly don't feel hungry, so order whatever you fancy.'
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