Fred had arrived later than he'd anticipated. Working on the last surprise firework had taken more time that he'd originally given himself. He'd drawn the short straw and had to close up the shop that night, so Olly wasn't expecting him to be right on time, but Fred usually liked to attempt punctuality. Even if he was rubbish at it.
Apparating directly into the Scot's home, he'd sought out his host and got himself a drink before heading out to the garden to set up the fireworks. By the sounds of things his Twin had already arrived, along with the puppies, as he could hear exited barks from somewhere in the garden. He wondered briefly how things had gone when George had shown up with Marcus in tow. But the fact that he was still there must have meant it was okay. Unless he'd gone and left the puppies behind?
Satisfied that everything was ready, he stood and wandered back towards the crowd. whistling to the dogs, he watched them all scamper over and made sure they were safe in the warded pen before turning to his audience. 'Alright Ladies and Gents, time for Fireworks.' A flick of his wand sent the first rocket up into the air it exploded, taking on the shape of a dragon that swooped down towards the crowd before bursting into red and gold sparkles.
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