George smiled into the kiss, pleased with Marcus' answer. He didn't want to push the Slytherin but George was kind of sick of hiding. It wasn't really in his nature to hide but he guessed he could understand why Marcus thought he had to.
He gave the fingers holding his own a little squeeze of reassurance as he opened the door, watching the pups practically bounce over to greet Dram and Bailey. Mac seemed to be a bit more polite compared to Nessie and Caff and was gentle in introducing himself to Oliver's smaller puppies.
"That one's Dram," George leant closer to Marcus, pointing out one of Oliver's pups, his voice soft so only Marcus could hear him. "The other one is Bailey." He smirked back at the Chaser. "Yup, we Gryffs love our alcohol."
When Oliver came to the door to greet them, George turned his attention to the Scot. The older Gryffindor did seem genuinely glad they could make it. "You know I never miss a chance to light things on fire, Ollysocks." George replied, a cheeky undertone to his voice. And yes, George just called Oliver 'socks'. There was a purpose behind that - socks were generally regarded as one of the most unsexy items of clothing, which made sense because Oliver wasn't sexy in the slightest... to him, anyway.
"Hear that, Grumpy, our friend Jack is in the kitchen." He didn't care if Oliver got confused over who or what Jack was. Grumpy would know - at least, George figured Marcus would know. "Shall we go greet him before we face the rest of them?"
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