Oliver looked down at the jacket he was wearing and shrugged, "Just seems were the same size, I must just have long legs," He hadn't even been sure the jacket would fit him when he slipped it on, but thankfully it did. Maybe it had altering charms on it so it increased or decreased in size depending on the wearer, he really didn't know.
"Coming right up Tigger, Lici?" He asked, leading both of the girls to the kitchen, puppies at their heals. The two dogs were currently at the stage of following everyone around. Stepping up to the island in the middle of the kitchen, that was covered in many different bottles of alcohol and juices, each will a cooling charm on them, Oliver began to mix Tig's drink, making enough to fill the large cocktail glasses he had bought for the party.
Handing Tig her drink, Oliver quickly threw together a Scottish slammer and downed his drink while he waited for Lici's answer.
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