Pansy would have never missed the opportunity to mingle with society's elite and so when Adrian's invitation arrived she gladly accepted. The flowers were just icing on the cake to her. She knew she had to dress formally and wanted to look more mature considering it was a grown up event. Opting for a
floor length black dress with just enough sparkle to it so it didn't look too old, Pansy looked pleased to be paraded around on Adrian's arm and introduced to his co-workers. It was the life she had always dreamt about for herself (admittedly it wasn't with Adrian Pucey but he was proving to be a worthy match).
She smiled brightly when he leaned in after dinner, accepting his invitation to dance and giving the appropriate blush and look of affection at the kiss on the cheek. Pansy played the role of polite high-society girlfriend with ease (although, she wouldn't dare call herself Adrian's girlfriend just yet). She spoke to the Press Minister with just enough charm to show she was confident but not enough to be considered rude or cocky - just the way she had been raised to behave at such outings.
"Well, he is a bore." Pansy leant closer to Adrian after the Press Minister left to engage someone else in conversation. She keep her polite smile on her face to hide any displeasure she felt from her boring conversation with the Press Minister. "No wonder the Ministry Press events lack any real entertainment value if he is the one in charge."
Pansy tilted her head a little and looked toward Adrian, her smile changing for something forced to something more natural. "He said he was a Ravenclaw, right?" She paused just enough time to allow the man to nod or shake his head. "No wonder he is a bore then. Good brains but lacks any ambition to accomplish anything. I've always believed that is why the world would be better with Slytherins in charge. At least we have the ambition and enough determination to see any ideas put through by any means possible."
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